Lagging Wages
According to 2002 census figures, black men still earn roughly
25 percent less than their white counterparts who have the same level of education.
Specifically, the median income for a black man with a high
school diploma was $27,224 in 2002, compared to $35,738 for whites. For those with higher educations, the discrepancy is even
wider. The median income for a black man with a master's degree was 27 percent less than his white counterpart: $50,763 for
blacks versus $69,655 for whites.
Black women also earn less than their white counterparts,
although the differences are smaller. Black women with high school degrees earn 12 percent less than whites, while black women
with master's degrees earn 6 percent less.
Investing Habits
The wage discrepancy harms African-Americans in more ways
than one, as income levels are one of the most important factors motivating blacks to invest (age is the biggest determinant
for whites).
Over the past six years, Ariel Mutual Funds and Charles
Schwab & Co. have partnered on the Black Investor Survey to better understand the investing patterns in the African-American
Community as well as to draw attention to the need to build wealth within this community. Key findings of the survey reveal
habits and perceptions which hinder wealth building.
Issue: More blacks consider real estate the best investment
overall. Additionally, a huge percentage (71 percent
blacks and 61 percent whites) chose home improvements over stocks as the better investment.
Mellody's Tip:
Since 1926, the stock market has been the best investment, outperforming all other investments, including real estate and
bonds, and African-Americans have been missing out on this wealth-building machine. Investing does not always require a lot
of money, it only requires discipline and patience. In fact, many mutual funds allow you to invest as little as $50 a month
if you invest in an automatic investment plan.
Issue: More blacks consider themselves to be conservative investors.
Mellody's Tip: Unfortunately, playing
it too safe can hurt your portfolio, as many investment goals, such as retirement, are long-term. Investors who put all of
their money in low-risk, low-yielding securities like bonds and CDs do so to their detriment. Investors should remember that
the stock market has averaged about 10 percent per year over the long-term. Those with longer time horizons need to learn
how to balance risk and return. Money invested in a bank barely outpaces inflation, and investors could regret excessive conservatism
come retirement day.
Setting Financial Priorities
Issue: Blacks tend to save for their children's education before retirement. Many black families will trade away a
comfortable retirement to send their children to college. In addition, a leisurely retirement is viewed as a luxury.
To this point, when asked in the Ariel-Schwab Black Investor
Survey how they plan to spend their retirement years, only 41 percent of blacks said to spend "more time on leisure activities,"
compared to 56 percent of whites.
Mellody's Tip: For African-Americans, the path to success has always been
expressed in one word: education. Parents stress it, teachers drill it into the heads of black students, and now, the Black
Investor Survey findings suggest that many black families will trade away a comfortable retirement to send their kids to college.
Your children can borrow money for education, but you cannot
borrow money for retirement. I like to use the analogy of an oxygen mask on an airplane to illustrate this point. You are
always told to put your oxygen mask on first before helping your child. The same could be said for retirement. You need to
prepare for your retirement first, then worry about education for your children. Keep in mind, there are no scholarships for
Blacks tend to be over-insured. In fact, African Americans have 29 percent of their assets tied up in insurance products,
compared to 13 percent for whites.
Mellody's Tip: Insurance is for insuring and not for investing. Essentially,
life insurance helps to ensure that your debts will be covered and your dependents will have the financial resources to run
the household without you. My general rule of thumb is to carry life insurance coverage of four to 10 times your annual gross
income. For example, if you make $25,000 per year, you should carry a minimum of $100,000 in life insurance coverage.
Issue: Black women tend to control the family finances more
so than their white counterparts. With the average woman
outliving the average man, more and more women are finding themselves facing retirement unprepared. To make matters worse,
women earn 74 cents for every dollar men earn wages which translate into less invested for retirement.
Tip: All women need to take a pro-active approach with regard to their financial situation. The best advice is to ask
questions and stay informed. In addition, you need to prepare for your own retirement. As such, if your employer offers a
retirement savings vehicle, such as a 401(k) plan, do your best to defer the maximum contribution. For stay-at-moms, it is
critical to have your spouse open a spousal IRA on your behalf in which you can invest up to $3,000 per year.
Blacks are not able to invest as much because they are more likely to be caring for aging parents or supporting adult children.
Mellody's Tip: For those families who have adult children returning home, there are a few ways to ensure that
the arrangement is mutually agreeable. Consider charging rent and making your child pay for their portion of the utilities
and groceries. Also agree upon the length of stay and rules regarding household chores and guests.