Life Management Institute (LMI)
About Us
Home | Mission Statement | About Us | LMI Programs and Services | Our Purpose | Program(s) Description Page | The Justice System-What's Wrong | What's Wrong With Education | Blacks vs White Imprisonment | Not Prepared for Adult Life | Crime and Drug Related Crime-Houston | Is Special Education Effective? | Profile of Drug Indicators-February 2003 | Characteristics of Troubled Youth | Help For Your Child | Employee Turnover - WHY? | The Jobs Crisis Is Far From Over | Employment Future | Houston Jobs | The New Job Market | U.S. National Unemployment Rate | Tomorrow's Jobs | Poor Management Negatively Impacts Workers | Employee Rights | STATE OF THE "NEW" BLACK AMERICA | Young, Gifted, BlackAnd Out Of Here | BEST COMPANIES FOR MINORITIES | TOP FIVE COMPANIES FOR MINORITIES | MOST POWERFUL BLACK EXECUTIVES | Race Divided | Looking Forward To Retirement....Think Again | HOME OWNERSHIP VS. RENTING | Thinking of Buying a House | How To Buy A Used Car | Vehicle Industry Terminology | CREDIT...BEWARE | LMI's 10 Secrets To Success | Your Gift Can Help Us Help Others | Directions | Contact Us

Life Management Institute is a tax-exempt non-profit designated as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. LMI was created for the purpose of giving people a solid foundation along with the relevant employment training and real life skills to become successful in todays and tomorrows competitive society.

* We are non-sectarian,non-denominational and non-discriminatory in our charter/objectives or treatment of its staff or clients or constituents.

* LMI promotes diversity and equal opportunities for all.

* LMI offers solutions to critical social issues that have an impact on the community.

At LMI we believe in the progress of people. Through our expertise, we help adolescents, adults, and families realize their full potential. For us, it is one of the best ways to demonstrate our commitment to strengthening families and community.

It takes ever-increasing levels of information to advance in todays competitive world. Providing people with the right information is the key for them to make insightful decisions for their future.

Our Philosophy

At LMI we believe that life is complicated enough. Excuses are just what the word describes them as "EXCUSES". It is our contention that no one will ever become successful if they continue to make excuses. We also believe that society makes to many excuses and thats why our society is crumbling.

(LMI)is an organization dedicated to helping people become successful by making them aware their true potential.

The Organization

LMI was founded in 1998 by Mr. Alexander. He saw the need for youth and adults to become more realistic and diversified in their approach to life and the constant changes that can and will occur during their lifetime.

Ronnie Alexander Executive Director Co-Founder: Mr. Alexander is originally from Port Arthur, Texas, and resides with his family in Houston, Texas. He has degrees in Criminal Justice and Paralegal Technolgy. He is a certified Crime Prevention Specialist and is trained in Conflict Resolution Management. He was formerly a consultant for Housing and Urban Development in the areas of Crime Prevention, Organizational Management and has over 20 years of experience working with "High at Risk" youth. He is an expert in developing, implementing and establishing start up progarms and special projects. He implemented, developed and established the Housing Authority of the City of Houston, Families for Drug Free Program. This progarm was recognized by former HUD Director Jack Kemp as the most innovative program in the country.
He has worked with Federal, State and Local political officials in developing, implementing and establishing varoius programs, special projects and community awareness campaigns. He is the Founder of LMI and Co-Founder of the Houston Midnight Basketball League. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army. He has helped hundreds if not thousands of people better their lives. He has personally over the years paid provided funds to individuals and families from his personal finances to either keep them in, attend school or keep their families together.
He has has served and been advocatefor over twenty years. He is currently an Temployed with the Department of Homeland Security-Transportation Security Administration.
Mr. Alexander is a Trained Mediator and a Certified Crime Prevention Specialist. He has attended strategy meetings with the Houston Police Department dealing with anti-gang activity. He also has extensive training in the area of non-violent conflict resolution. Mr. Alexander was the co-founder of the Houston Midnight Basketball League, Inc. gang prevention program.

Our Employees

Our organization is only as good as the people who work for it. Here we'll talk about the valued members of our company who help to ensure our organization is the best it can be.

Ronnie E. Alexander
Executive Director and Founder

Corey McKay
Assistant Diector and Co-Founder
Kevin Schmidt
Senior Network and Research Analyst

They have always gone above and beyond the call of duty. Their work and dedication has been invaluable.

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